Main HallBreakout RoomWorkshop Room
10:00 / 10:50

Microservices for Mortals

11:00 / 11:50

Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users

12:00 / 12:50

Deeper into RabbitMQ


Mohammad Abu Ajamieh (StarzPlay)

javascript leverage: Isomorphic applications


Luciano Colosio (Badoo)

12:50 / 14:00Break
14:00 / 14:50

Modelling complex game economy with Neo4j

Game Dev

Yan Cui (Lumigo)

Getting developers hooked on your API


Nicolas Garnier (Mailjet)

15:00 / 15:50

Chaos Testing with F# and Azure

Big Data

Rachel Reese (

Mobile development with Xamarin and F#


Alex Casquete (Plain Concepts)

16:00 / 16:50

Building Event-driven Serverless Applications

17:00 / 17:50

Introducing Azure DevTest Lab


Quique Martínez (Plain Concepts)

Demistifying the 3D Web

Game Dev

Pietro Grandi (Bluelabs)

12:00 / 12:50 Breakout Room

javascript leverage: Isomorphic applications

Luciano Colosio

Room 123 / Building G

15:00 / 15:50 Breakout Room

Mobile development with Xamarin and F#

Alex Casquete

Room 123 / Building G

14:00 / 14:50 Main Hall

Modelling complex game economy with Neo4j

Yan Cui

Room 123 / Building G

17:00 / 17:50 Breakout Room

Demistifying the 3D Web

Pietro Grandi

Room 123 / Building G

15:00 / 15:50 Main Hall

Chaos Testing with F# and Azure

Rachel Reese

Room 123 / Building G

12:00 / 12:50 Main Hall

Deeper into RabbitMQ

Mohammad Abu Ajamieh

Room 123 / Building G

16:00 / 16:50 Main Hall

Building Event-driven Serverless Applications

Danilo Poccia

Room 123 / Building G

17:00 / 17:50 Main Hall

Introducing Azure DevTest Lab

Quique Martínez

Room 123 / Building G

11:00 / 11:50 Main Hall

Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users

Danilo Poccia

Room 123 / Building G

14:00 / 14:50 Breakout Room

Getting developers hooked on your API

Nicolas Garnier

Room 123 / Building G